After several trips up there over the last two years, I now get it! I think I could get into the city atmosphere. I got to Brooklyn late in the afternoon. I had time to kill so I took my new book "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance"bought a nice cup of coffee and a polish pastry in Greenpoint and began to read my book but got caught up in the local's discussion of the recent "Smell Problem" that was blammed on NJ of course. I then met Jordan and Adrianne at his apartment. We then proceded to Lauren and Tony's apartment via the BQE. What a wonderful sight of lower Manhattan that we were treated to(see above the picture that does not do justice to the scene -I was driving and tring to take a picture with an auto camera).
Once in BayRidge, we parked and got to see L and T's new apt. We then had a nice stroll down several streets to Geno's Italian Restaurant. The walk included many wonderful aromas from all different ethnique restaurants. We had a wonderful meal and a lovely evening of easy family discussion and then a nice walk home. There we had coffee and delicious cup cakes made by Adrianne. I then got to drive into Manhattan to drop off Jordan and Adrianne. What an alive city- lights, aromas, people and energy.
I then drove back to MD thinking about what a lovely evening I had just had. I love NY!
It was a great night, indeed. Thanks for coming up. Otherwise, we would have just sat on the couch all night. Of course, it ended that way, but with lovely cup cakes to top it all off.
Sounds like a wonderful night! NY is a beautiful palce to be. I haven't been to NY since the priemer of Pocohantas in Central Park with my daughters. I have been there for a few broadway plays and of course to see the Statue of Liberty. Would like to one day go again to see a broadway play and to also see the World Trade Center site. It will be very sad, but I saw it once as a young girl and had the horrifing experience of watching it get hit by the second plane and then watch it crumble to the ground. Though I don't have anyone close lost in this tradegy, I cried for all who were lost.
One New Years I would like to be in Times Square for New Years Eve. What a wonderful day!
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