I got into the Christmas Spirit yesterday. Brendan , my mom and I had the opportunity to see the musical "Scrooge" in Farmville , NC. It was wonderful and it was at a quiant little theater that seats about 225 people. But best of all the play was directed by none other than Corina Rice. (see the play bill on the left) Yes, the same Corina Rice that drives a motorized cooler.
Corina did a great job on this play. I knew she majored in Drama at ECU and had been in a number of plays both in high school, college and in community theater but I had never had the opportunity to see them.
What I saw was a great play, but the more impressive thing that I saw was what the efforts of a confident young women can produce. I am extremely impressed that Corina was able to manage a play with such a varied group of actors (ages5 to 55), musicans, stage and set people, choreographer, Costume designers, etc.
It was a treat and all I can say is